Bulford Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP4 8DL

01980 652237

admin@durrington-jun.wilts.sch.uk Contact Mrs D Grinney or Mrs B Jefferies/DSL Karl Caslin/DDSLs Miss Harding & Mrs deVries

Durrington C of E VC Junior School

"Love your neighbour as yourself" Matthew 22: 37-39

RE Curriculum Intent

Religious Education at our school underpins the whole curriculum by developing a child's moral and spiritual being. Space is given for the children to reflect on their beliefs and ideas. We enjoy exploring Christianity and Judaism alongside the other world religions and non-religious worldviews. Children are given time to discuss the big questions, share their thoughts and ideas and reflect on the nature of truth. RE is taught across the school by Mrs Bales, a specialist teacher. 

Children at our school enjoy exploring different faiths and beliefs through art, drama, dance and discussion.  We aim to challenge and support all pupils through a variety of engaging activities in order to motivate and encourage learning. 

 DJS RE policy 2022-2023.docDownload
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