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Wiltshire SEND Signposting

Wiltshire Autism Assessment Service Online information sessions

WAAS will continue to be running online information sessions about your assessment appointments with the autism assessment team. The sessions are for parents who have children on the Autism pathway.
The short sessions (about 30 minutes) will tell you about the appointments your child will be offered as well as some helpful support and advice while your child is on the pathway.  
To receive a Microsoft Teams invite to these sessions, please email familysupport@hcrgcaregroup.com with the date of the session you would like to attend (see table below).    
Upcoming sessions:
Date and Time (sessions last approximately 30 minutes) 
Your appointments with the autism assessment team  
Wednesday 24th April – 1.30pm
Understanding emotions and behaviour
Wednesday 8th May – 1.30pm
Your appointments with the autism assessment team  
Wednesday 22nd May – 1.30pm
New Support for Families, Children and Young People in Wiltshire
Family hubs are launching in Wiltshire this April, meaning that families, children and young people will be able to access support both face to face and online under the new model from 2nd April. 
The new model will give greater local community support and guidance for families and young people aged from 0 to 19, extending to 25 years for those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Wiltshire Council has awarded the contract to Spurgeons to provide new family hubs in communities throughout the county.
There will be three main hubs operating at Five Rivers in Salisbury, Monkton Park in Chippenham and County Hall in Trowbridge,. Alongside this, there will be regular family hub support available at advertised times at "navigator locations" in community venues around the county, including libraries and leisure centres.
There will also be a digital platform that can be accessed on phones, tablets or computers, offering information, support, and courses to give children, young people and families the help and guidance they need to thrive.
Each hub will have its own team of navigators. They will have a visible presence in the community to ensure they are on hand to offer help to families that need it, and to signpost and create links to other agencies, such as local schools and early years providers.
There will be an online webinar on 29th April at 6pm about family hubs so people can ask questions and find out more about the face to face and online offer. People can join the webinar using this link.
 ACMH+WMHIS Community Conversation Survey Feb 2024.pdfDownload
 Join the discussion and help shape future provision.docxDownload
 Kingfisher ASD Club and Phoenix Youth Club.pdfDownload
 punctuality and lateness.pngDownload
 SEND new way of working October 2023.pdfDownload
 SEND_and_Alternative_Provision_improvement plan.pdfDownload
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