Welcome to

Durrington C of E VC Junior School

  1. Safeguarding


Please look at the policies and documents below to see how we keep children safe in school.

The person who leads Safeguarding in school is called the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).

At Durrington Junior, the DSL is the Headteacher, Mr Karl Caslin The Deputy DSL is the Deputy Head, Miss Rebecca Harding and the SENDCO Mrs Jessica deVries.

If you have concerns about any child, you can contact us at the school or If you believe that urgent action is needed because a child is at immediate risk of harm, phone the MASH on 0300 4560108 (Out of Hours: 0300 456 0100) and give as much information as you can.



The Designated Safeguarding Governors is Mrs Karen Batty. The Designated Online Safety Governor is Andy Fenner.

Below are some key policies relating to Safeguarding:

 What to do if you are worried a child is being abused or neglected flowchart 2021.docxDownload
 Wiltshire template child-friendly safeguarding policy - August 2022.docxDownload
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ESafety at home - Want to know how to set up parental controls on game consoles? Phones? Computers? Click the link and make your home E Safe.
